Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Keeping busy.

Time can be my most precious asset and also my wost enemy. Right now we aren't getting along as I have exactly one week until my best friend and lover comes home. Tick-tock, tick-tock. It doesn't help that I wake up every morning at 4:30 AM, that makes for a very long day.

Aside from battling old Father Time, my husband's best friend's girlfriend decided she hates my guts. Why? I have absolutely no clue. Normally I couldn't care less what an overweight, fire crotch, lazy, leach thought of me but this situation is a little trickier. My husband and her boyfriend have asked us to "work it out" for the sake of their friendship. I figured when DH (dear hubby) and his BFF got home from work in a week the four of us would sit down like adults. Boy was I wrong!

After treating me like dirt to my face she has the audacity to send me a message (that she had to PAY for) via Face Book. Face Book, really! As poorly as she treated me at our last encounter, the least she could do it apologize to my face. She used words liked "it has come to my attention" and "sincerely" but never "I'm sorry" or and actual "I apologize" it was what I like to call a "non-apology".  A wordy speech that basically sounds like an apology but if you read carefully it never actually uses the term "I'm sorry". If you decipher it  says something more along the lines of "I'm sorry I got called out for acting liked a shit head. Pretty, pretty, please with a cherry on top let it go before my hopeful of a Fiance' becomes more of an EX!"

Anyway, I've been trying not to let it stress me out but her creeping into my FB makes it difficult.
Trying to stay stress free, drink lots of water and not over do it physically for this little bit of magic holding on for dear life inside of my uterus. I think making this little bit of magic's presence known will be a HUMONGOUS burden off of my shoulders.

Until then maybe I'll read up on how to meditate. Never done it before, but at this point, it can't hurt!

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